------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout description for ELSA desktop library The layout file is a INI-file which consists of three types of sections: GLOBAL (unique), WINDOW (unique) and All bitmaps are Window-BMP files and could be loaded from a cabinet file 1. [GLOBAL] This section identifies the layout file. There are following entries in this section: - Signature: ID to identify the programm the layout is for - Name: (optional) name for the layout - Cabfile: (optional) Cabinate file with the used bitmaps Example: [GLOBAL] Signature=EVIDCTRL_Layout Name=ELSA Metall Cabfile=EVidMtl.cab 2. [WINDOW] This section defines the background dialog for the controls There are following entries in this sectio - Size: the size of the dialog - Bitmap: the background bitmap with the spezified size - FramePoints: Number of polygone points for the clipping area - FPxxx: (x,y) pair of frame points, where xxx starts with 1 and ends with . Each polygone has to be closed, i.e. the first point and the last point have to be the same. Multiple polygones could be defined. Example: -------- [WINDOW] Size=421,120 Bitmap=background.bmp FramePoints=105 FP1=5,0 FP2=295,0 FP3=297,1 . . . FP103=304,1 FP104=305,1 FP105=306,0 3. [] For each control there has to be a section with the control name to define the position, size, bitmaps and some extra attributes, depending of the type of the control. The common entries of all controls are: - Pos: (x,y) pair of the left top position of the control - Size: (x,y) pair of the size of the control - Bitmap: filename with the background or normal state bitmap (i.e. not checked, down, disabled, focus). This entry is requiered in all controls but the text- and the empty-control - TransparencyColor: RGB-Value for transparency color in bitmap, hexadecimal (0xBBGGRR) or decimal a) Button-Control A button control is similar to a windows push button and could have four states, each with a bitmap State Section-Entry ------------------------------- neutral (Off) Bitmap down Down focus Focus disabled Disabled Excapt the neutral bitmap the other are optional. If a bitmap is missing the neutral bitmap is displayed. Additional attributs are RepeatDelay: delay for repeat function DownEvent: pressing the button will generate the event, not releasing (normal behavior) Example: -------- [FILE] Pos=6,36 Size=26,10 Bitmap=fileOff.bmp Down=fileDown.bmp Checked=fileOn.bmp Disabled=fileDis.bmp ;Focus= no focus bitmap b) Check-Control A check control is similar to a windows check box and could have five states, each with a bitmap State Section-Entry ------------------------------- neutral (Off) Bitmap down Down checked Checked focus Focus disabled Disabled Excapt the neutral bitmap the other are optional. If a bitmap is missing the neutral bitmap is displayed. Example: -------- [SELCET] Pos=33,36 Size=26,10 Bitmap=SelectOff.bmp Down=SelectDown.bmp Disabled=SelectDis.bmp ;Focus= no focus bitmap c) Slider-Control A slider control is similar to a windows slider control and has a background and a slider. The slider could by in normal, focused or diabled state, the bitmaps of the slider have to be smaller than the background bitmap have to be the same size. Additional attributs are BlinkTime: (optional) millisecond of changing between normal and focus slider if selected (has focus) Direction: direction of slider movement right: horizontal slider, low value left, high value right left: horizontal slider, high value left, low value right down: vertical slider, low value up, high value down up: vertical slider, low value down, high value up SmoothUpdate:Slider movement to cursor (default: 1) 0: slider directly at mouse position on mouse button pressed 1: slider will move slowly to mouse position as long as button pressed Example: -------- [VOLUME_OUT_LEFT] Pos=209,6 Size=81,12 Bitmap=VOutL_Bk.bmp Slider=SliderDown.bmp Focus=Sliderfocus.bmp BlinkTime=500 Direction=right TransparencyColor=0xFFFFFF d) 2D-Slider-Control A 2D-slider control controls two values, one horizontal and the other vertcal. It has a background and a slider. The slider could by in normal, focused or diabled state, the bitmaps of the slider have to be smaller than the background bitmap have to be the same size. Additional attributs are BlinkTime: (optional) millisecond of changing between normal and focus slider if selected (has focus) SmoothUpdate:Slider movement to cursor (default: 1) 0: slider directly at mouse position on mouse button pressed 1: slider will move slowly to mouse position as long as button pressed Example: -------- [COLOR] Pos=7,79 Size=34,34 Bitmap=2DSliderBK.bmp Slider=2DSlider.bmp Focus=2DSliderf.bmp Disabled=2DSliderDis.bmp BlinkTime=500 Clipping=1 TransparencyColor=0x000000 e) Text-Control A text control displays text on a background or a background color. Additional attributs are Direction: direction of text right: normal text direction, left to right left: upside down text (180°) down: down text (90° clockwise) up: up text (270° clockwise) BackgroundColor: RGB-Value for text background, hexadecimal (0xBBGGRR) or decimal value, can be used instead of 'bitmap' entry Font: font name of text FontColor: color of text FontSize: size of font FontWeight: weight of text (100...900) FontColor2: alternate font color for blink mode BlinkTime: millisecond of changing between FontColor and FontColor2 HPosText: horizontal position of text in display area left: left aligned center: centered right: right aligned VPosText: vertical position of text in display area top: top aligned center: centered bottom: bottom aligned Example: -------- [STATUS_DISPLAY] POS=35,19 Size=40,15 Direction=RIGHT BackgroundColor=0x000000 ;Bitmap= not needed FontColor=0xEBB200 Font=ARIAL FontSize=11 HPosText=left VPosText=center FontWeight=800 FontColor2=0x0000FF BlinkTime=300 f) Display-Control A display control is used to show a value in a graphical way like a windows progress bar. It has a background bitmap and a display bitmap. The part of display bitmap shown is related to the value, assigned to the control. A stepping rate can be defined. Additional attributs are Display: the display (value) bitmap Direction: direction of diplay right: horizontal display, low value left, high value right left: horizontal display, high value left, low value right down: vertical display, low value up, high value down up: vertical display, low value down, high value up Step: stepping rate of display to simulate digital displays, the display bitmap will only be shown in parts of 'Step' size Example: -------- [DISPLAY] POS=5,30 Size=182,10 Bitmap=DisplayBG.BMP Display=Display.bmp Step=9 Direction=right g) Picture-Control Control for animation or just displaing a picture The defined bitmap could include one or more pictures to display in the defined area (by Pos and Size). The number of pictures included in the bitmap is calculated by the area size and the bitmap size: For example, if the display-area has 10x10 pixel and the bitmap 40x20 pixel, there are 8 pictures which are successive displayed, using a delay of BlinkTime from left to right and top to bottom: ----------------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------- | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ----------------- Additional attributs are BlinkTime: millisecond delay for next picture Example: -------- [PICTURE] POS=150,0 SIZE=20,20 Bitmap=PICTURE.BMP BlinkTime=100 h) Empty-Control Just a area with position and size Example: -------- [PREVIEW] Pos=311,30 Size=101,79